Emotional Intelligence Training: What It Is and Why It Matters

In this article, you will learn about emotional intelligence (EI)  and the benefits of emotional intelligence training. Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately identify, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as those of others. Research indicates that EI is an important factor in achieving success in personal and professional settings.

As a result, many organisations are investing in emotional intelligence training for their employees in order to develop these skills and improve their business outcomes. Let’s take a closer look at what emotional intelligence training entails and why it matters.

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence Training

Emotional intelligence training can help employees learn how to better recognise and manage their own emotions, as well as how to relate to others in a positive manner. This can be beneficial for both individuals and organisations. On an individual level, developing EI skills can help employees become more self-aware and better able to handle challenging situations. On an organisational level, developing EI skills among staff members can lead to improved communication, teamwork, problem-solving capabilities, decision-making processes, customer service levels, motivation levels, creativity levels, job satisfaction levels, and overall productivity.

What Does Emotional Intelligence Training Entail?

Emotional intelligence training typically involves open conversations facilitated by a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. Before training commences the Practitioner will carry out an Emotional Intelligence Assessment followed by a 121 feedback session with all the individuals who are attending emotional intelligence training sessions. The sessions are designed to help individuals recognise their own emotions as well as those of others. Hypothetical scenarios may be used where participants have to interact with each other in different ways related to problem-solving or conflict resolution. For example, a group of employees may be asked to consider a difficult customer service situation where they have to find a resolution in a respectful manner while still standing firm on the organisation’s policies and procedures.  The goal is for participants to become more aware of how their interactions with others affect the outcome of any situation they face.  Additionally, emotional intelligence training may also involve stress management techniques, active listening exercises, goal-setting, and assertiveness skills to name just a few depending on the individual’s emotional intelligence score and the organisation’s specific needs.


Emotional intelligence training is becoming increasingly popular among organisations looking for ways to foster better relationships between staff members while improving overall performance results at the same time. By teaching individuals how to better understand themselves and those around them through facilitated activities and scenarios; companies are creating environments where effective communication is encouraged and appreciated leading to greater job satisfaction amongst staff members which directly impacts overall performance results for the business itself. Therefore investing in EI training could be highly beneficial for your organisation by helping you create a workforce that functions optimally together while delivering excellent business outcomes simultaneously – something we all strive for!

If you would like to discuss emotional intelligence training for yourself or your team please email gary@garymorgan.coach or call 020 8337 5937

 Find out more about my emotional intelligence training here

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