Replaying past events over and over again in your mind is nothing more than a tremendous waste of your valuable time and energy. Engaging in this kind of behaviour will ultimately prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Learn to let go of the past.
If you want to live a more joyful life you need to learn how to let go of your past. Learn how to let go of whatever hinders your ability to grow and reach your potential. Work on changing your mindset, set yourself free from the past so that you can fully immerse yourself in the present and prepare yourself for the future.
To change your negative thoughts into positive ones, you must fill your mind with all the future possibilities that are available to you rather than wallowing in the painful memories that are holding you back. As a coach, I have helped many people to find a way to live a more positive life and to focus on the present moment for them to detach themselves from their negative past.
If you are finding it difficult to let go of your past and would like to live a more fulfilling life right now please call me on 020 8337 5937 or drop an email to or visit my services page to find out more about what I do.