Below are some of the strategies that I have used to stay present:
Practicing gratitude is a great way to stay in the present moment. Write down the things that you are grateful for today, right now! If you want to do well in the future, it is imperative that you do well today.
A word of caution! Avoid spending too much time thinking about what might happen in the future by being fully aware of the fact that nobody can see what the future will bring.
Read The power of now
This book by Eckhart Tolle was a game changer for me as it helped me to realise that I do not have to believe my thoughts and so many other things.
Taking time out to meditate is another great way to stay in the present moment. There are some really cool apps out there that offered guided meditation such as Headspace, Calm and Buddhify to name a few.
Living in the here and now is not easy as there are so many distractions to deal with. I hope the suggestions above will help you to live in the now.
Please call me on 020 8337 5937 or email if you would like to live a more present life.